Friday, March 5, 2010

Too many things going on - ugh!!!

Well, I finally got a response from my ex and his mother on the visitation thing. They agreed not to push for Christina to go to North Carolina this summer and are willing to wait until Deacon has re-established a relationship with her before they try for that again. However, Lynn is still pushing for WAY more visitation time than Christina is comfortable with. And to be truthful, I don't think she should be given any at all. She's the one who walked out of Christina's life almost 5 years ago and now she suddenly wants grandparent rights. It's driving me nuts. Christina wants nothing to do with either of them but there's only so much I can deny until she turns 13. Then, she can tell the judge herself how she feels and they will finally listen. I'm trying to imit Lynn's visits to once a month for no more than 3 hours for the year until she can prove she is going to be a consistent, positive part of my daughter's life. They keep talking about what they have the right to but I'm the one who has raised her, worried over her, and taken care of her long before she was even born. For the past 10 years I've been here for here so you think that would count for a hell of a lot more than what they want. Neither of them has shown any interest in her in years! It just frusterates me more than you know to not be able to make this right for her.
On top of that, I've got to remove the ceiling tiles in my bathroom before the rest of them end up on my head. They've been sagging for awhile and recently started falling down so it's only a matter of time before the rest go crashing to the floor. Maybe I'll find time this weekend in between my normal things to do, getting the spare bedroom ready for Chris's visit next month, and running a bunch of errands in town. There are times I really wish there was more than one of me.
Now that the snow is finally starting to melt somewhat I've also got to find the time to start cleaning up the yard. There's a lot of branches and debris that collected over the winter.
Overall, though, I have to say that things are going good for the most part. We've been busy getting ready for Nolan's birthday and his upcoming trip to Florida with his mom and son. And we've been having a blast playing with the wheelers in the slush :) That's about all I have for the time being. Time to get some sleep for work tonight :)

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